47 Followers • 53 Following
138 💎 Received • 62 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.000000 • $0.00
Founder Reward: 100.00%
Public Key Age: 191.20643186953 days
Profile Age: 191.20643187541 days
Number of Transactions: 453
Transaction fees: Ð0.004375 • $0.05
Sugar artist from Switzerland creating intricate sugar art masterpieces 🎨👩‍🍳. Innovator of techniques like knitting stitch and stained glass with Isomalt. Here to see whether sugar art can shine digitally🍬💖.

Also posting under @WavePotions (mostly energy-healing videos) and @LumiFanti (mixed-media digital art). Introduced to DeSo by @sonic_chemist from @QuantaLab (t.me/quantalab).

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