577 Followers • 115 Following
6,629 💎 Received • 6,176 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð1.311014 • $31.67
Founder Reward: 10.00%
Public Key Age: 996 days
Profile Age: 996 days
Number of Transactions: 11,460
Transaction fees: Ð0.005650 • $0.14
🏢 At work: Microsoft Cloud Architect and Developer working in the Netherlands. I love to develop and implement integration solutions for customers to enhance their business processes. Technical components I often use and develop are:
❤️ Azure WebAPIs, Azure Functions and other PaaS components
❤️ Azure DevOps for automated deployment
❤️Teams and SharePoint Framework development
❤️PowerShell and Azure CLI

🏖️ After work:
Father of 2 kids: daughter with autism and son studying for Math teacher.

❤️Wine 🍷(SDEN level 1)
❤️CryptoCoiners Community

😂Father of the Year. Except on those days where I tell them to clean their rooms...

⚔️DesoDuels : https://zealy.io/c/desoduels/invite/rNe4U52xgTGSpnXhv7RHq
Twitter aka X: https://twitter.com/eivatco


Since July 2021 I'm here on Deso and I still love it. If you're interested in above topics, just follow me! Love to connect!

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