2,435 Followers • 155 Following
1,935 💎 Received • 1,409 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.506994 • $14.62
Founder Reward: 10.00%
Public Key Age: 1150 days
Profile Age: 1150 days
Number of Transactions: 5,851
Transaction fees: Ð0.002049 • $0.06
10+ years at Goog. Interested in distributed systems, crypto, high skilled immigrant issues, angel investing. All opinions my own. RC!=endorsement.

If you have a great idea and need an angel, hit me up. PM: linkedin.com/in/varunso

If you are a strong engineer and are looking for an opportunity, hit me up for a referral at Goog.

OG 03/21

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