495 Followers • 265 Following
9,596 💎 Received • 8,536 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.669047 • $18.97
Founder Reward: 10.00%
Public Key Age: 884 days
Profile Age: 884 days
Number of Transactions: 15,716
Transaction fees: Ð0.018917 • $0.54
A hard-working father, small business owner, and writer just trying to find his place in the digital world we live in today.

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If you have any special requests, send me or @dmccut a message and we will make every effort to make your request a reality. Keep in mind that we are in the US, so some things may be limited or unavailable in certain countries. However, we will do everything we possibly can to find possible suppliers, etc. to help you with your request.

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