138 Followers • 200 Following
500 💎 Received • 553 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.154283 • $4.19
Founder Reward: 18.00%
Public Key Age: 495 days
Profile Age: 495 days
Number of Transactions: 1,254
Transaction fees: Ð0.000540 • $0.01
Strategic Design
Operated by holders of DESO Sandbox CC

Acquire DESO Sandbox CC with purchase of authentic NFTs.

40% back to buyer's wallet as DESO Sandbox CC.
CC Holders Will:
1-Learn from each other.
2-Promote and encourage new creators.
3-Vote for and support collective ideas.
4-Create meaningful relationships.
5-Promote ethical responsibly.
6-Prosper while having fun and helping others.
7-Not sell CC but trade for DESO.

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