232 Followers • 35 Following
958 💎 Received • 210 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð1.497900 • $41.64
Founder Reward: 18.00%
Public Key Age: 528 days
Profile Age: 528 days
Number of Transactions: 1,392
Transaction fees: Ð0.003376 • $0.09
Unphased Aligator
Lead Designer at @WHALEX

Artist and creative.


@nftz https://nftz.me/u/Unphased

1. 99.9% of NFT SALES will be invested in my CC
2. 10% of SECONDARY SALE royalties will go to my CC holders
3. Every 3rd NFT from my BYASN SERIES will result in an Airdrop for my top 5 CC holders
4. Every CC holder has a lucky draw opportunity to win an NFT, every time I sell.

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