224 Followers • 13 Following
913 💎 Received • 244 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.071590 • $1.94
Founder Reward: 100.00%
Public Key Age: 915 days
Profile Age: 915 days
Number of Transactions: 1,812
Transaction fees: Ð0.000744 • $0.02

A curated list of Daily Deso Creator Coin deals! List is updated daily so you can find creator coins at a discount!

To gain access to the full list, Diamond today's post and head over to desodeals.com

The list only includes profiles who have a @membercash MemBrain rating of 2 or more, are verified, reserved, have a verified email or have gone through the identity verification process.

List is sorted based on a custom algorithm that gives each metric a weight. The purpose is it give preference to highly rated profiles with larger drops.

Investor Concentration is based on the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI). If too few people own the bulk of the creator coin, we label it as higher risk.

What is MemBrain? Learn about it here: https://member.cash/a/804fc6e860

Partner sites:
@membercash https://member.cash/

Created by: @nathanwells

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