255 Followers • 546 Following
1,121 💎 Received • 8,778 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.042564 • $1.16
Founder Reward: 16.00%
Public Key Age: 330 days
Profile Age: 330 days
Number of Transactions: 15,061
Transaction fees: Ð0.007598 • $0.21
We are a Unofficial super fan club of ChainGPT, aiming to promote the start-up company.
Learn all about ChainGPT and the capabilities of super artificial intelligence tools!!!
ChainGPT is an advanced AI model that assists individuals and businesses with everything related to Crypto and Blockchain technology. Access complete solutions and use cases using our advanced AI model: Blockchain analytics, AI trading, smart-contract development, AI auditing, risk management, crypto news source, etc.
ChainGPT 🤖 is an advanced AI model designed for Blockchain & Crypto. ⚙️No-code smart-contract generation, and more.
☑️ https://t.me/ChainGPT (official telegram channel)
☑️ https://t.me/ChainGPTAI_Bot (official telegram bot)
☑️ https://www.chaingpt.org/ (official website)
☑️ https://chaingpt_funs.nftz.me/ (@chaingpt_funs NFTs)

Rewards Instructions
CGPT NFTs owned:
1-19: 30% $ChainGpt_Funs, 20% to buyer’s coin.
20-39: 35%, 25%
40-59: 40%, 30%
60-79:45%, 35%
80-99: 80% buyer choice
100 +: same as 80-99

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