1,029 Followers • 339 Following
16,449 💎 Received • 89,187 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð7.284382 • $201.92
Founder Reward: 100.00%
Public Key Age: 484 days
Profile Age: 484 days
Number of Transactions: 71,444
Transaction fees: Ð0.038542 • $1.07
@PenWyn is an art project embracing cocreation and community.
Join us, set your imagination free, and let's cocreate our next PenWyn's together
NOTE 1. To be an Inhabitant (a PenWyn Co-creator) you must hold no less than 0.25 of PenWyn’s Creator Coin (0.25 $PWCC).

Project LAUNCHED 4th May 2023

https://penwyn.nftz.zone/ https://penwyn.nftz.me/3d/space
X (Twitter) & Insta : @penwyndeso
a Collaborative Project (seeded by @studio_richards and nurtured by the Inhabitants)

Inhabitants of a 'Créché of Penguins' :
@studio_richards ; @pixelangelo ; @striga ; @Gatucu ; (@Miniyo) ; @necline ; @Jhayppy ; (@Mher) ; @Gainer95 ; @CivilEngineer

Though there is no pressure to cocreate - some Inhabitants prefer to simply support and contribute to the Voting etc @sharkgang ; @desocialworld ; @ats_us_nai ; (@MICEHEADS) ; @mobitoro ; @Panini ; (@ShadyAcres) ; (@That70sRobot) ; @NFTLegacy ; @Desomon

Inhabitants of the Parcel of Penguins
@CreativeG ; @Petra_The_Bi_Polar_Bear ;
@Ugottaloveit ; @JamesBarrett ; @Johan_Holmberg ; @ReihanRei ; @SeWiJuGA ; ( @HappyRabbit ) ; @degen_doge ; @BKPOWER8

Inhabitants of the Waddle of Penguins
@InsurgentFrog ; @Seelz ; ...

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