447 Followers • 136 Following
207 💎 Received • 145 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð4.443843 • $122.61
Founder Reward: 5.00%
Public Key Age: 1065 days
Profile Age: 1065 days
Number of Transactions: 1,253
Transaction fees: Ð0.002908 • $0.08
Where Music + Art + Tech Meet IRL
Evangelists of the flow state and creative collaboration
Here for social experiments and to help onboard our community into the world of #web3

≥0.25 Quasar Coin for perks like NFT drops, event discounts, and more

Will never sell our coin - only reinvest or gift it. Perpetual balance of ≥25 $QuasarFest coin in project wallet.

Web 2.0: www.QuasarFest.com

$QuasarFest holders: Please DM us before selling to open market so we can maintain the coin value. We would always prefer to exercise first right of refusal and keep the coins in circulation.

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