148 Followers • 95 Following
1,234 💎 Received • 110 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.006242 • $0.16
Founder Reward: 15.00%
Public Key Age: 520 days
Profile Age: 520 days
Number of Transactions: 2,414
Transaction fees: Ð0.033192 • $0.86
Fractals in Wonderland - Experimental AI creations by @GlowArtAz

All images created by me using Mid-Journey. Enjoy as I learn how to best express myself on this platform.

At this point in my journey, all nft sales will go into my CC. As I grow this account, I will open it up for others to invest.

It is the goal of our artist community to help build quality content that is different and unique to some of our styles.

@PuduoResin is our rally point. We are reinvesting all of the funds that we get into either our creator coins, blessing other creators, and showing our love and support for anyone else that touches our lives in meaningful ways. Your support into any of our artistic endeavors enriches the whole community.

I hope that this captures the spirit of the Web 3 community.

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