17 Followers • 10 Following
26 💎 Received • 0 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.041866 • $1.16
Founder Reward: 100.00%
Public Key Age: 400 days
Profile Age: 400 days
Number of Transactions: 79
Transaction fees: Ð0.000165 • $0.00
We are a Development League Football Organization that will be playing in our first season under new leadership with Ashland Blazers Inc as the owner. We provide the opportunity for young adults to gain experience and continue to play the sport they have grown to love, as well as, giving youth an organized and secured event to attend on Saturday evenings. Our main goal is to get at least one kid the opportunity to attend college and to give at least one player a chance at a pro tryout.

Vision Statement

The vision of the Ashland Blazers is to advance its, players, and coaches to the next level by providing Opportunities that would otherwise be closed to them. We will do this by exhibiting pride in all phases of a football organizations and it's member players and staff. We will also work and support any athlete that wants to further his career opportunities. We will have a positive impact on all we encounter and have a positive influence on our youth. We plan to utilize our business model in the communities to create regional advertising opportunities. We plan to grow at a moderate rate and become a force regionally. We realize the Ashland Blazers along with the support of the community’s players and coaches we can reach our envisioned growth goals. ..

With sponsors help and fundraising events that we will be holding together we can make the difference in someone’s life. Your donation will be tax deductible since we are a 501c organization and help us achieve the goals we have set forth within the organization. We can with the community support make a difference in the area we will be representing by the whole community with athletes that are positive role models for the younger kids to look up to.

If you provide us with a company Logo, we will proudly display it on vinyl banner at all our home games and on our web site. Your message will reach approximately 250 to 300 views per game and over 500 people on our web site...

We look forward to your positive participation in one of this year’s programs. Your support and contributions will go towards the development and structure of events that will provide young boys and girls along with their family’s pastime entertainment adults. Your investment in our vision for a better tomorrow is generously appreciated. We invite you to support this worthy cause with your tax-deductible contribution and become a Donating Partner.


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