5,646 Followers β€’ 1,420 Following
13,332 πŸ’Ž Received β€’ 5,875 πŸ’Ž Given
Coin Price: Ð4.536889 β€’ $127.49
Founder Reward: 10.00%
Public Key Age: 1123 days
Profile Age: 1119 days
Number of Transactions: 37,913
Transaction fees: Ð0.909666 β€’ $25.56
πŸ’Ž Finance. Life. Health.
πŸ’Ž Subjective posts. Never advise.
πŸ’Ž Est. March 2021

πŸ’Ž Favorite book: The bed of Procrustes

πŸ’Ž 100+ Cloutpunks

πŸ’Ž https://procrustes.nftz.me/

πŸ’Ž Integrity is key. Never sold any of my coins.

This coin does not represent a claim on my earnings or anything else. Don’t expect a profit if you chose to buy this coin.

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