17,636 Followers • 63 Following
24,048 💎 Received • 3,342 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð213.199497 • $5,805.42
Founder Reward: 75.00%
Public Key Age: 1130 days
Profile Age: 1130 days
Number of Transactions: 12,448
Transaction fees: Ð20.938562 • $570.16
Full-time nerd, otaku, gamer and investor.

I'm too old to be polite so I post Common Sense.

Early to Bitcoin, Ethereum, ENS, DeFi, NFTs, DeSo and most of the meaningful things in Web3.

Opinions are my own and do not constitute legal, financial or regulatory advice.

My Creator Coin is an ongoing social experiment and should NOT be viewed as an investment, security or form of equity. No promise of returns and it could all go to zero.

I stream Web3 games: https://www.twitch.tv/whaledshark

Sometimes I create shorts and videos: @WhaleDShark">https://www.youtube.com/@WhaleDShark

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