1,260 Followers β€’ 479 Following
19,244 πŸ’Ž Received β€’ 8,756 πŸ’Ž Given
Coin Price: Ð3.251976 β€’ $89.14
Founder Reward: 15.00%
Public Key Age: 919 days
Profile Age: 919 days
Number of Transactions: 23,272
Transaction fees: Ð0.028494 β€’ $0.78
trideed.com for 3D visualisation for products, architecture and animation.

Sharing some of my favorite recipes, photos, and random thoughts.

Voxel art πŸ’›


Sound tech business with my husband: rastsound.com

Love my family, adventures & experiences, learning every day, reading, playing tennis, table tennis, skiing, running, climbing are my favorite sports.

From Berlin, Germany.

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