125 Followers β€’ 170 Following
1,235 πŸ’Ž Received β€’ 81 πŸ’Ž Given
Coin Price: Ð0.164304 β€’ $3.85
Founder Reward: 100.00%
Public Key Age: 547 days
Profile Age: 547 days
Number of Transactions: 1,178
Transaction fees: Ð0.001088 β€’ $0.03
"Life through arts. Coffee in my veins! "

I am Syledoodle.

Always creating. Always experimenting. I create art using technology and different art apps.

I combine art and technology to produce street and nature photography that captures my perspective on the world. I'm a lover of life and photography.

πŸ“ Philippines

NFT 3D : https://syledoodle.nftz.me/3d/space

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