192 Followers • 113 Following
4,465 💎 Received • 1,185 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.312674 • $8.62
Founder Reward: 10.00%
Public Key Age: 530 days
Profile Age: 530 days
Number of Transactions: 4,417
Transaction fees: Ð0.002686 • $0.07
Hi, I'm Shreya! I reside in India but live on the internet.👀

People I hate: People who tell me I'm not SpongeBob cause I don't wear SquarePants😢

People I love: Your mom and your pets😻

Lovesick 💘

#memories tied in a haiku with photography

sometimes songs, some contests on deso and lots of love ❤️

NFTz: https://sbad.nftz.me/

My inspiration: @Moggel

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